Green Wealth: How Evergreen Trees Boost Property Values and Privacy

Green Giant privacy screening can boost your property value and your health!

Various factors influence the value of a property, and one often overlooked yet significant contributor is the presence of trees. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, trees play a crucial role in elevating property values, particularly evergreen trees that offer year-round benefits. In the Mid-Atlantic region, including Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia, homeowners are discovering the unique advantages of evergreen trees like the Green Giant Arborvitae, Nellie Stevens Holly, and Leyland Cypress, especially when it comes to privacy and overall property value.

How do Evergreen Trees Boost Property Values

Unlike deciduous trees that shed their leaves in the fall, Evergreen trees maintain foliage throughout the year. This characteristic makes them valuable landscape additions, providing year-round beauty and functionality. In the context of property values, evergreen trees offer a range of benefits that contribute to increased home worth and enhanced living environments.

1. Aesthetic and Curb Appeal:

Gorgeous Green Giant Arborvitae we installed to improve curb appeal.

One of the most apparent ways evergreen trees impact property values is through their aesthetic appeal. These trees add greenery and structure to the landscape, creating an inviting and visually pleasing environment. Thus, potential homebuyers are attracted to properties with well-maintained evergreen trees, contributing to increased curb appeal and potentially higher resale values. Per Money Magazine “Numerous studies show that homes with trees have anywhere from 3.5% to 15% more value than those without.” 

2. Privacy and Screening:

Privacy is a sought-after feature for homeowners, especially in densely populated areas, and for the high-profile celebrities who live in the area. We have found that with more people now working from home, owners are taking notice of the views from their property and want more privacy without having to move. Evergreen trees, with their dense foliage, act as natural privacy screens. In the Mid-Atlantic region, where there is denser housing, the Green Giant Arborvitae, Nellie Stevens Holly, and Leyland Cypress emerge as the privacy trees of choice.

  • Green Giant Arborvitae: Known for its fast growth and towering height, the Green Giant Arborvitae is an excellent choice for creating a robust privacy barrier. Its vibrant green color and conical shape make it an attractive addition to any landscape. Their deer-resistant quality makes this evergreen the logical choice for many homeowners.
  • Nellie Stevens Holly: With its dense, dark green foliage and upright growth habit, the Nellie Stevens Holly is prized for its effectiveness in providing year-round privacy. The glossy leaves and red berries add an aesthetic appeal to the landscape.
  • Leyland Cypress: The Leyland Cypress is a popular choice for creating living walls of green. Its rapid growth and dense branches make it an ideal candidate for establishing privacy quickly. This evergreen conifer is well-suited for the Mid-Atlantic climate.

3. Energy Efficiency:

Beyond privacy, evergreen trees contribute to energy efficiency, another factor influencing property values. Strategically planting these trees around a property can provide shade during hot summers and act as windbreaks during cold winters. Reduced energy consumption for heating and cooling can be an attractive selling point for potential buyers, positively impacting property values. If you plan to install solar panels, you must be sure the trees will not interfere with the amount of sunlight the panels will receive. Per the U.S. Forest Service, “Strategically placed trees save up to 56 percent on annual air-conditioning costs. Evergreens that block winter winds can save 3 percent on heating.”

4. Environmental Benefits:

Homebuyers in the Mid-Atlantic region often appreciate environmentally conscious features. Evergreen trees are vital in improving air quality, absorbing carbon dioxide, and providing habitat for local wildlife. Per the U.S. Forest Service, “100 trees remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide and 430 pounds of other air pollutants per year.” Properties with a thriving tree canopy contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment, potentially increasing desirability and value. Plus, tree roots reduce soil and nutrient run-off when it rains. Thereby improving water quality in our reservoirs, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay.

5. Health Benefits:

Nature has always been known to have a calming effect on people. Being in nature certainly helps to clear my head, which is why I love working at my evergreen tree farm! In an interview on WBUR’s Radio Boston on September 8, 2021, Peter James, an assistant professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Department of Environmental Health, said that trees’ effects on us “translate into long-term changes in the incidence of depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer.” Did you know that “Dementia patients with access to treed “wander gardens” reduced falls by 30% and medications by 10%.”, as per the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Things to Consider Before Planting

It is important to take the time to research the needs of the plants that you are considering to ensure they can thrive. Such as:

  • What are the plant’s preferred growing conditions?
  • What plants do you have growing near the planting site that could affect the survival of the new plants? i.e., Black Walnut trees and invasive plants like bamboo and vines.
  • Will the location you plan to plant accommodate them at maturity?
  • Are utility lines (above or below), septic fields, underground drainage, or irrigation lines in the planned planting site?
  • Were there trees previously in the new planting site? If so, were the stumps ground out and the chips completely removed from the planting area? These chips are not mulch and will affect the survival of evergreens and other plants if they are planted in the chips.
  • What zone(s) are the plants rated for? Maryland Zones, DC Zones, Virginia Zones, West Virginia Zones
  • How will you water the plants? Do you have access to water for irrigation?
  • What soil type do you have, and will the prospective plants tolerate the existing conditions? Wet/Dry/Sand/Clay
  • Do you have standing water in the proposed planting site after heavy rains? If so, proper drainage must be done so the plants can survive.
  • Will the plants be along a road? If so, ensure enough setback of the trees so that road salting in the winter does not affect the trees.
  • Do you need HOA approval, or is the planting site within an easement (conservation or utility)?
  • Do you have deer in the area? If so, we recommend using deer-resistant plants. Otherwise, the plants must be wrapped with netting to help keep the deer from nibbling.  

Deer Resistance Plant Ratings

Deer-resistant plant ratings do not mean deer will never try to eat them. If the deer are hungry and food is scarce, they will forage on deer-resistant plants as a last resort. Also, if the population of deer in the area is high, this affects the food supply. The ratings do not guarantee that deer will never eat them, but they are not the deer’s preferred food source. This is due to the chemistry of these plants that makes them taste bad to the deer.

Choosing the Right Evergreen Trees:

While the benefits of evergreen trees are clear, selecting the right species is crucial for maximizing their boost on property values. The Green Giant Arborvitae, Nellie Stevens Holly, and Leyland Cypress are the top choices for privacy and landscape enhancement in Maryland, DC, and Virginia.

  • Green Giant Arborvitae: With its rapid growth rate, tolerance to various soil conditions, and resistance to common pests, the Green Giant Arborvitae is a reliable choice for homeowners seeking a quick and effective privacy solution.
  • Nellie Stevens Holly: Known for its versatility, the Nellie Stevens Holly thrives in different soil types and offers a mix of privacy and ornamental value. Its glossy leaves and vibrant berries add visual interest to the landscape.
  • Leyland Cypress: The Leyland Cypress is known for its dense foliage and fast growth. It’s an excellent choice for homeowners looking to establish a privacy screen quickly. Its adaptability to various soil conditions makes it well-suited for the soil types we have throughout Maryland, DC, and Virginia.

Evergreen Trees Boost Property Values Locally

In the dynamic real estate market of Maryland, DC, and Virginia, homeowners recognize the significance of landscaping and, in particular, the impact of evergreen trees to boost property values. The Green Giant Arborvitae, Nellie Stevens Holly, and Leyland Cypress emerge as key players in enhancing privacy, energy efficiency, and overall aesthetics. As more homeowners invest in “Green” features, including evergreen trees, the allure of well-maintained landscapes becomes a driving force behind increased property values. Thus, a “win-win” for homeowners with an investment that provides numerous health benefits and privacy.

Since 1981, we at Pryor’s Nursery have been boosting the value of our customer’s properties, with over 80,000 evergreen trees installed for homeowners and businesses in the Mid-Atlantic region. That equates to ~ 8M pounds of CO2 absorbed over the lifetime of the trees we have installed and oxygen released back into the air. WOW!! Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint with the benefits that evergreen trees for privacy provide? Get started today!